
here im going to tell u about our little journey to Singapore.
On 7th Oct, Izzah, Fatin and me had this little journey to our neighbours country.

so i'll begin with a few scenary pic of singapore

when we arrived,  it is 'tanglong festival' season
this is near besides temple. we went to china town
this is the temple that im talking about
china town.
this is a museum(if i not mistaken)
arab street :)
arab street is near this mosque. went to this mosque for jamak prayer.

i like this kind of building. has its own historical value

the tallest hotel (if not mistaken)

and here is my companion
this is fatin.

and this is izzah

so the story begun.
trip to singapore is so exhausting.
the food is also expensive.
we bought 'nasi lemak' at RnR cause the driver bus insist us to buy food at Malaysia.
haha and yeah its a nice advice though thank u driver bus :P
bring along a lot a lot of mineral water cause u r going to consume a lot of water.
well the currency for RM to sgapore dolar is.
apprximately 1dollar = RM2.50
the food cost 5-10 dollar. 
so u are going to pay at least RM 12.50 for an ordinary fried rice or 'nasi lemak'.
haha i better eat at Secret Recipe.

If u are going to china town. 
here is the tips : survey the price first.
coz we bought a t-shirt 3 for 10 dollar and after that we saw there is a lot t-shirt 4 for 10dollar. -_-
izzah at china town
if u going to buy any souvenir. i strongly recommend u to buy a shirt. because its worthed!!!
keychain or fridge magnet is 6 for 10dollar -_-
shopping at china town. 4 shirt for 10 dollar.
*the moment when u feel so regret.*

so next stop is arab street. 
there's nothing much here.
just stop to offer zuhr prayer

and took some pictures :P

fatin and izzah expressing their love muah muah 
just us taking silly picture
and then the tour guide took us to
this is a MUST VISIT PLACE when are going to singapore.
and dont forget to took a pic with that Mr head lion

then the last pit stop is
drum roll please
*duummmmm badasssss*
yeah its Universal Studio!!!! 

love it here. if i got chance again to go to singapore i will take a full day ticket 
and spent my day in sentosa island.
too many games and activities.
its a good place to relieve ur stress.
and if u r low on budget. 
please please please don't ever missed
'song of the sea'
i cried watching their musical.
its soo breathtaking, beautiful and all the other word that could describe it.


found this baby. uuuhhhh love it soo much
(well i didn't literally found it)
2 dollar to took picture with this darling
wish i had 1. but i know, dad not gonna allow it.

so overall i do enjoy this trip
even though its exhausting 
but it was worthed.
haha yet im not satisfied so we spend so little time at Sentosa Island
and will i ever come to singapore again? 
-yesss i will

have a pleasant day people.