Kenapa Note II bukan S3?

I've done a few research recently,
so I come out with a conclusion why Note II is better than S3.
First of all lets go through the specification.
Took it from gsmarena

ok bila kita berbicara mengenai saiz. honestly saya lebih suka S3
sebab saya seorang perempuan dan saiz S3 tu orang sabah cakap 
'muat-muat di tangan' atau 'ngam sudah!'
saiz Note 2 pulak agak besar and bigger chance to slip from my hand
dan physically, saya suka s3 sebab dia didatangkan dengan Red Garnet version.
Which I really fall in love with the colour.
BUT there is a but!
That S Pen Stylus really catch my attention.
I'll descibe more about S pen later.

ok move on!
lets talk about the display specification
sebelum ni saya cuma melihat S3 and Note 2 as a new phone yang orang gila-gilakan
'wooohhhhh S3 tu, handphone mahal!' atau 'wuuuuhhhhhh gila la. pakai note 2. orang kaya.'
but this past few days since I don't really have anything to do at home. so I've done a few reading.
Well I said a few because ilmu ni luas dan banyak lagi saya belum pelajari.
Betullah kata orang 'lagi banyak kita belajar, lagi bodoh kita rasa'

berkenaan Super AMOLED capative touchscreen ni pulak
AMOLED stands for -Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode-
hah ambik ko bunyi pun hebat kan? jadi kalau Super AMOLED? super hebat lah!
conclusion nya both of this phone works better outdoors
perasan kan handphone kita ni kalau bawah cahaya matahari it tends to look dimmer atau kelam.
AMOLED ni lah yang membantu supaya hp kita boleh adapt/menyesuaikan diri di bawah sunlight.

About Capacitive touchscreen pulak,
there are 2 major types of touchscreen displays
first is resistive touchscreen and the other is  capacitive touchscreen
 beza resistive touchscreen and capacitive ni adalah capacitive requires less pressure applied because 
capacitive ni menggunakan electrical properties dalam badan manusia.
compares resistive yang mana composed of multiple layers that are separated by thin spaces
jadi ianya memerlukan applied pressure yang lebih tinggi. 
tu jak bezanya

Baiklah Corning Gorilla Glass 2 pulak adalah sejenis hardened glass. 
*saya xtau bahasa Malaysia nya sebab lecturer sains bahan ajar dalam bahasa Inggeris
CGL2 ni thinner (supaya allows more light to pass through, enabling brighter displays and improved touch sensitivity ) and lighter,tapi masih tough dan resilient.
CGL2 ni jugak adalah shatter and scratch resistance and has proven to be much tougher than standard glass.
here is the video for scratch test
yeah i know i know that guy is an idiot.
and its such a painful and heartbreaking
seing those innocent and harmless phone being stabbed and abused
but still. it proved that the the CGL2 really works huh??

and now lets talk about the difference of 2GB RAM and 1GB RAM.
perasan kah kalau time main games atau buka application yang berat tiba-tiba handphone jadi panas
expecially belah belakang.
nahhh sebab RAM kita rendah.
jadi kalau ada 2GB RAM tu maksudnya, belakang hp tu xla panas sangat + xlagging + laju 
cool kannnnnn???? kan????
especially kalau kamu taik games dalam hp. carila hp yang RAM dia besar sikit
kurang jugak hp kamu menerima kata cacian 
update on 2/213: I always thought that low RAM causes your handphone to heat, but then my friend told me that it is caused by your cpu/gpu running at high frequency, but for note 2 and s3 user no worries because your handphone is running Quad core with 1.4/1.6GHz.
 and he gave me new tips, I quote
"yes it's true that more ram is better but linux which include android are designed fully utilize the ram n it has its own task killer.. that's why task killer from play store actually do more harm that good.. unused ram = wasted ram.."  Peter William. haha thanks Peter
jadi xpayahla gatal-gatal mau download task killer di Play store tu ya..
most of the reviews I read berpuas hati dengan 2GB RAM yang diprovide oleh samsung ni
*clap clap for samsung, congrats

bercakap tentang camera pulak. I know that 8MP is not much. 
still there are positive reviews about the picture took from this typical 8MP cam.
but i found out there are more people that unsatisfied with this cam.
and this
frankly I couldnt agree more. I have a few pictures of myslelf taken using S3. 
and honestly, it doesnt impress me much 

so i would not recommend u to go for 8MP if u want to discover your full potential of ur photographer talent
better buy a DSLR which will cost u less money.
However here is a few pics i took using my 5mp Samsung Galaxy Wonder.
and i think its not soo bad

AGAIN Peter tegur.
I quote,
"the quality of the pictures can be affected by the camera app(s) settings n the rom (include stock rom aka stock firmware).. moreover,the MP of a camera which includes digital camera is not a big impact to the quality.. the chip of the camera is the most important.. (good quality chip = good quality even if low MP).. [eg: note 2's front cam is only 2MP but can record 1080p video,HD quality]" Peter William.
I conlude that since Note 2 front cam can record 1080p HD video then it means that Note 2 has a good camera chip :)

however Note 2 ada this advantages di mana the camera will took about 5/6 snaps dan ambil the best pose for each person automatically. Jadi xda lah masalah kalau ada kawan tu slack mata selalu tengok tempat lain atau mata tertutup. -_-
S3 and S2 also have this feature but the S3 and Note 2 have almost zero shutter lag and i couldn't agree more.
Because when I'm taking picture using S3, it instantly snap, na lagging lagging.
Plus ada jugak Photo Note di mana u can write (handwritten) at the back of ur photo.

Kalau video pulak u can choose sama ada mau fast or slow motion video. which is very cool I think. 
EXCEPT kalau kamu ada tangan parkinson's yang mana video tu tiba-tiba jadi cacat.
update: Quoting Peter "not sure whether s3 now has that feature or not coz s3 just received update with added features.."

and now saat yang ditunggu-tunggu. 
dont worry about the operating system.
because u can custom rom and upgrade it later. 
believe me, I've heard so much about custom rom. and it is much better and 
u can unleash all the inner potential of ur phone muahahhhahaa
*evil laugh
here is some of the coolness kalau kamu custom rom ur phone, well
1. ada 1 aplikasi dimana bila handphone kamu hilang, 
-kamu boleh detect lokasi hp kamu, 
-klu org tu da tkr simcard, kamu boleh hantar mesej kepada orang yang menjumpai/terambil hp kamu
-kamu boleh sekat/lock hp tu supaya orang tu xbole guna hp kmu
2. ada 1 aplikasi yang mana kamu boleh hack wifi org lepas tu disable supaya dia xdapat connect ngan wifi dia (ok ni jahat)
3. dalam playstore ada aplikasi yang kena beli kan. jd ada 1 applikasi ni yang boleh hack playstore dan kamu boleh download aplikasi yang berbayar.
dan semua ni hanya boleh dilakukan sekiranya kamu dah custom rom ur phone. -_-
sebenarnya banyak lagi dia cakap, tapi sy dah lupa haha
update : there are still the risk of rooting
1. risk of brick (soft brick or hard brick).. [soft brick can be solved but reflashing stock/custom rom or usb jig (stubborn soft brick)... while hard brick is KO (mb rip)] but if follow all the instructions, it will be 99% safe..
2.binary counter increase which will void warranty but can be solved coz we have pro developers..
btw thanks Peter

about chipset pulak, I dont want to talk much
Note 2 pulak Quad-core 1.6GHz. get the idea? :)

Selain itu, apa yang hebat mengenai note 2 and S3 ni adalah dia boleh multi task!
but Note 2 is better since it have bigger screen :)
maksudnya u can do multiple task on the same screen at the same time.
For example,
1.While watching a video, kita boleh take notes ataupun surf internet.
Very useful for me, sebab when I watch movie. I have this probability to forward the movie ataupun cuma tengok separuh jalan and then bila saya xpaham jalan cerita. I just look for the story plot on wiki :P
2. Besides that u can check kalau ada incoming messages without stopping what u r doing. Sebab ada skrin yang besar kan jadi xpayahla mau minimize the application.
3. OK ni agak penting untuk bussiness punya orang dan juga untuk student yang mau buat study group. Kamu boleh buka document terpulanglah word ka atau powerpoint and at the same time boleh video call... Cool kan??? 
4.Ni lagi satu, kamu boleh take note coz ada Popup Notes while talking so kalau ada benda yg kamu takut lupa ketika bertalifon atau ada mesej penting yang perlu kamu sampaikan, tap tap the popup note then save it. Sama la functionnya macam nota kecil yang selalu diletakkan sebelah talifon rumah.

yang paling special pasal Note 2 ni adalah THE S-PEN
ni video to sum of  ability of THE S-PEN
 and this

ok untuk yang malas tengok video,
sila baca
1. Kamu boleh crop gambar di internet dan boleh letak di email or if u want put it in ur scrapbook note. And in the end it looks like u have the cool scrapbook with little notes that u always wanted since u r kecil but never have it because of 1 simple excuses: 'malas'.

2. And u can customize ur digital calendar with handwriting notes. U can highlight it and use varies type of colour. Macam ni and the have this features called Facebook Integration di mana u boleh link birthday date of ur friends from facebook and post a wish directly from ur digital calendar to him/her facebook wall. Xlah cool sangat cuma mau bagitau jak.

3. Lepas tu kita ada idea sketch, di mana sangat cool kalau mau buat mind map. Lukisan buruk? no problem. Just write apa kamu mau sketch dan dorg memang da sediakan few sketches yang sangat berguna untuk tangan bukan artistik macam saya :P.

 and u could come out with cool sketches like this 

wait there's more. kalau misalnya sketches yang kita mau tu teda dalam library dorg. Go to web. if you find 1, pilih 'sketch effect'>>'outo aoutline'>> color picker >> pilih la color apa, kalau mau color macam keta merah tu. tapkan s-pen pada color keta tu, then u will have 1.

And kita jugak ada S-BEAM. actually features ni xda function pun kalau hp satu tu xda S-BEAM. umpamanya bluetooth ngan infrared la. xleh connect.
Kelebihan S-beam ni kalau mau share pic/ item xpayah terkedek-kedek mau pilih more>>send>>bluetooth>>search device>>choose.
Simply letakkan kedua-dua handphone yang ada function S-beam secara membelakang. 
Tap pada screen dan waaaalahhh 'Shared'!!

and last but not least. Battery Samsung Note 2 lebih tahan lama compared to S3.
as Note 2 hold 3100mAh and S3 2100mAh
here is the review i took from gsmarena

haha so thats all. Reviews from me. Kalau ada salah silap sila tegur I'm also a newbie. still to learn a lot more.
owh yeah if u are looking for S3 SME set price range about RM1850-RM1900
and Note 2 SME around RM2150-RM2200
u can contact me. Helping my friend jual Hp. 
Have a great day folks.

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