Review: Rumours Samsung Galaxy S4

I guess Samsung really love to suprise people~~~
This is the rumours Samsung Galaxy S4.
ok lets go through features and specs

2GHz Cortex-A15 Samsung Exynos Quad - haha ini really something nampaknya Samsung sedang mengusahakan new features yang berkemungkinan sangat-sangat SUPERB memandangkan ia akan menggunakan 2GHz CPU. 

Baru- baru ni Samsung ada memperkenalkan Exynos 5 Octa-Core (di L.A) at first I don't think smartphone capable untuk run processor yang sepower ni. Tapi samsung mampu menjinakkan Exynos 5 Octa-Core A-15 ke dalam smartphone. Lagipun Exynos 5 Octa ni akan memaksimumkan penggunaan telefon(multitask) dan menjimatkan battery. Yes finally Samsung come out with the solution untuk mengelakkan drainage of battery.

Ok lets talk a bit about Samsung Exynos 5 Octa ni, it is a level of pure processing power yang tidak pernah dilihat pada mana-mana handphone and smartphone.

  1. take for an example, awak u are using google talk untuk mencari tempat untuk dinner. u could load that page, lepas tu simultaneously download an apps to make the reservation, retrieve GPS and marking information all in the same time and without any lag and disturb.
  2. Samsung Exynos 5 Octa ni jugak boleh display 3D GAMES which is twice as good as any generation of processor sebab this processor has smoother frame rates and the details are more specific.
  3. Samsung Exynos 5 Octa ni jugak dikatakan mampu menjimatkan battery life sebanyak 70% this is capable due to the advance of silicon technology yang samsung usahakan.
  4. Samsung Exynos 5 Octa ni mempunyai banyak compartment processor, apps yang mempunyai work load yang kecik (seperti 1), akan diagihkan kepada 'the small processor'. Apps yang mempunyai work load yang besar (seperti 2) akan di switch kepada 'the big processor'. Dengan cara ni, akan menjimatkan penggunaan battery kerana xperlu run processor yang besar untuk apps yang mempunyai work load yang kecik. Matching the right job to the right task. That way it will consume less power but offer high power performance. :) Great job Samsung!

1080x1920 Full HD Resolution- ok this is something, even Note2 and S3 pun 720 x 1280 pixels jadi the screen going to be brighter and look more natural and about the size. It is bigger than S3 but smaller than Note2.

Android 4.2.1 Jellybean -boleh custom rom. Saya ada mention pasal custom rom dan beberapa kelebihannya dalam post. S3 dan Note2

2GB RAM - Yeap Samsung definately up to something!

Wireless Charging- Well nampaknya flagship Nokia Lumia 902 ni semakin popular.

About the colors- its expected going to come with two colours only Titanium Gray and Sapphire Black
and the battery, uhh its going to hold 3600mah. This is a great news!
Kalau battery Note2 yang 3100mah boleh tahan almost 1 day with heavy use. mungkin S4 ni boleh capai sehari atau 1.5 days.

Hoho manatau Samsung mau buat smartphone yang waterproof dan dust proof macam Sony Xperia Z.
UHHHH Im going to write a review about that later.
Before I make a conclusion, here is something I want to show u.

Yeap bendable, fold able, roll able screen. 
Is YOUM Flexible OLED going to feature on Galaxy S4 ?
Or is it going to feature on Note 3?
this is the Youm Display Prototype hands on :)

As I mention before, this is still a rumours,
if official specs sudah keluar, I will keep updating u guys right away.
Prepare to be amazed by the biggest sensation this april 2013.
well going to take about 2-3 month to reach Malaysia haha.
If u got anything to share, atau anda rasa information yang saya bagi ni kurang tepat.
Fell free to share, I'm a newbie and still got a lot to learn.
Have a nice day people.

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