Sudden Death of 10 Bornean Jumbo or More

This is so heartbreaking...
this little one orphaned for no apparent reason. Trying to wake up its dead mother.
yeah u probably already heard about it.
there was about 10 Bornean elephants were found dead at Gunung Rara Forest Reserve,
Tawau, Sabah
and sadly, 
"None of the elephants had gunshot wounds. Post mortem was done on all of them and it looks like their gastrointestinal tract had severe hemorrhages and ulceration with some bleeding from the mouth and anus,” 
said Dr Sen
“We highly suspect that it might be some form of acute poisoning from something that they had eaten but we are still waiting for the laboratory results of the chemical analysis from samples taken from the dead elephants to confirm the diagnosis,” concluded Dr Sen.

here is some picture I took from a Fb users
whom working aWildlife Rescue Unit

Wildlife Rescue Unit Volunteer UPM 4th Year Veterinary student Timothy Fong
trying to give some water to the rescued elephant calf whose mother dies

its such a horrible sight!
"this is all part of the chemical reaction in the body when an animal dies....the elephants

look bloated because there is gas build up from Bacterial activity inside the body" Dr Sen

This baby Pygmy Borneo has been taken care at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park.
She is still weak and drinking half her normal amount.

"Sending prayers and love to the little one and hoping she pulls through".
thanks French :) and thank u all for taking care of these wonders
Lets pray and hope that they will catch those culprit/s.
It is a heinous crime against wildlife.

and althought it has note been confirmed but

they discovered 3 more

if u want to know more this is Dr Sen's FB 

I think he will keep updating the situation. 

Want to know more about Elepahant Foundation?

Marina & the Diamonds

First of all thank u people sebab sudi menjenguk-jenguk blog saya ni.
Marina & the Diamonds? ever heard of it.
Well at first I thought it was somekind of a band.
Rock band or Indie band,
turns out its just a single female singer,
and her real name is -Marina Lambrini Diamandis-
and diamond is a translation from her surname 
and according to her 'the diamonds' is referring to her fans.
haha so many 'and'

so I did a little background check on her
here it is
*she started her career on 2005 and she is 28 years old (2013)
*so far she has 2 albums
 The Family Jewels and Electra Heart

honestly I think she is a beauty here is a few picture of her

cantik kan dia?? 
<3 <3 <3

this 1 I took from her website

ya I know I know the balloon look fake

and here is the song that I listened to


haha the second video is kinda inappropriate for under 18 
but enjoy.
I like her song. I think its an influence from Katy Perry + Gwen Stefani.
have a nice day people :)

Girl on fire

As another ordinary boring day.
9gag has been my momentarily best friend
so while I was scrolling.
Found this post.
and I find its funny when u listening to the song while reading the comic strips
and when u were only listening to the song, 
as a girl. I actually find it kinda motivational.
I'm not a fan of Alicia Keys but I remember her song
'Karma' used to be my one of my fav.
I used to turn the volume out loud when astro hitz
back then its on chanel 106 now is 705 if I not mistaken
I didn't listen to that chanel anymore coz like MTV
that channel bored me :P
here is the song

Pizza day

last saturday, mama took us to Pizza Hut. 
yeahhhh we barely eat pizza perhaps mama is not so into western food
so when mama  asks : 'where do u want to eat?'
:'pizza hut la.' sambil tengok-tengok si Faiq
and mama said : 'Jomlah'
macam xpercaya 
then the face suddenly turned like this

so kami pun terkedek-kedek masuk di dalam Pizza Hut tu.
Ala-ala macam orang yang ndak pernah makan pizza
haha sebab lama sudah ndak makan pizza. 
everybody mengeluarkan isi hati mau makan pizza yang berlainan.
in the end ini lah pizza yang kami pilih.
ada crab-crab hahaha
Kami ambik set Golden Harmony 2
lepas tu add-on Golden Platter muahahahhaha nafsu nafsu
and while the waiter taking our order
my eyes tertacap pada 
and guess what Faiq and Zul applicable for this.
even though Faiq is like 120cm++ and already 13 years old 
while Zulfaqqar is already 11 years old
and the rules said children must be below 12 years old 
and under 120cm

muahahahah rezeki rezeki
Alhamdulillah syukur.

hearts would said this as : monkeying :P

 ini lah muka boring si Faiq

Soya bean sudah habis jadi they replaced it with fresh milk.
 budak ni kena paksa minum susu and snap gambar if not no pizza for u.
muahahaha *evil sister
Yeah makanan sudah sampai

this is the Golden Platter
this is the kids meal
Faiq Ordered Kids Chezzy Meatballs
and Zulfaqqar ordered Kidz Tuna Pinapple Pizza

Baca doa makan dulu
Ya Allah berkatilah rezeki yang telah engkau beri kepada kami, dan jauhkan lah kami daripada azab api neraka.
amin amin ok jom makannnn

 nampak ka cheese tarik tu?? nampak? nampak?

muahahaha no pic while eating because we are too hungry+excited 
and nobody remembers to snap snap anymore.
however there is a pic of me and Zulfaqqar.
this is our boring face, waiting for mama.
she will lose track of time di DAISO
thanks for the treat mum.... 
ciao :)

my distraction.

Whenever i felt upset,  angry, depressed or yang sewaktu dengannya.
i will find another distraction such as cooking, cleaning the rabbit's cage, window shopping 
and many more *ayat karangan BI tingkatan 2
so yesterday I bersiar-siar di 1B and I found this really cute sling bag
*i only knew 2 kind of bags, back pack and sling bag
oh wait wait i guess this is what they called as tote.
and yes I when first saw this tote I already fall for it.
Love at a first sight.

Felt like the was angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa, matahari tampak akan tenggelam
dan bulan kelihatan besar daripada biasa
hiperbola kan padahal duduk di shopping mall.
Yang ada cuma angin aircond and cahaya lampu kalimantang jak
So I pun dengan penuh anxious menuju ke arah beg tersebut.
and with no doubts I grab the bag and went straight to counter.
And then the cashier asks : Satu sahaja miss?
and I pun ber-monologue : oh my ! ini ni purchase with purchase ka?
malunya malunya tu la ndak pandai tengok betul-betul
then I confidently said: Ya *padahal ada peluh-peluh halus sudah di dahi
: Ok miss, Rm6 thank u for supporting our charity foundation and helped break the poverty.
wahhhhh Rm6? murahnya. and charity? 
turns out this is a charity bag and  alhamdulillah thank u Allah 
because u r giving me chance to do deeds today.
So people u should buy 1 too. 
There are two design, the other one is made up of straws.

 this 1 cost u Rm 15 but I think its worthed because of its cool design 
and yes because u are giving charity.

There is another thing that catch my interets at Cotton On.
at first i thought it was a cigarrete case (because my dad used to have 1)
turns out its was a cute purse or clutch I dont know what u called it.

snap snap

stay strong east African.

hello this is me being excited

i dont care if this tote makes me look fat. because  i have fallen for it.

tengok tote saya boleh bertukar warna!!!!
haha sorry guys i just too excited about my Chervon Charity Bag :P